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Marshall JCM 900`s ???????

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  • Marshall JCM 900`s ???????

    I don`t hear very much about these models. How come these things get very little press or the stuff I hear is negative? Do they suck? The JCM 900 SL-X looks like a decent head? Does the gain ruin that Marshall tone? The prices are pretty good on them compared to the 800`s. Jack.

  • #2
    I also wonderd about this, as i might be getting a half stack soon, and i want to get a marshall, but i dont want the standard JCM800.


    • #3
      They're alright. I prefer pretty much all the other Marshalls, but they're OK. For what you're looking for, the SL-X is a decent amp, it's got decent gain, but doesn't have anywhere near the balls of a good 800 IMHO.


      • #4
        Different voicing? What was Marshalls point of making these models? Jack.


        • #5
          jack - Have you thought about trying to find some marshalls to play through? I may be wrong here, but it seems like you're just looking for anything with a marshall name on it that is JCM800 or later. There should be used gear stores in your area - go play some amps, see what you think!

          JCM900s get a tonal thumbs down by a lot of people, I had a high gain dual reverb head and it was ok, nothing amazing. That VHT you had smoked every post JCM800 marshall I ever heard more than likely.

          Are you looking for a Marshall to get the perfect tone, or are you looking for one because it's a marshall? if the latter, then there are better places to spend your money for metal in my opinion... depending on your taste, - XXX, JSX, VHT 50/CL, Mesa Mk III, DC5 or 10, Soldano HR50 -100s, Avengers, etc...



          • #6
            Originally posted by slayer
            Different voicing? What was Marshalls point of making these models? Jack.
            The voicing is a bit different, but mostly, it's just a thinner sounding amp. They used smaller transfomers, and cut some corners that didn't work out too well IMHO.

            Lots of guys were modding older Marshalls and JCM 800's to add gain by adding an extra preamp tube, or to modify the tone stacks, and they tried to do somewhat of the same thing with the 900's. The SL-X is the best sounding of the 900's IMHO, but it's not an 800. If you get a chance to try one out, you might like it, but since it seems like you've been looking for an 800, the 900 isn't an 800.


            • #7
              Good stuff. Pete, no not just looking for the Marshall name, but after playing a guys TSL and 2210, they just caught my attention!! So, I figure, what the hell, I want one of my own I like how they are loud and organic sounding also and the crunch tone. I have a real hunger for a 100 watt head lately also. I will try to play more of them. I would just buy a TSL and be done with it, but they are kinda cheaply made with the tubes mounted directly to the pcb board. Jack.


              • #8
                I wouldn't go near a TSL. They sound far too fizzy and lack alot of body. I'd go for the DSL if you were looking for a new marshall.

                I had a 900 before, it was good for the money, but it's lead tone was thin and lacked ALOT. But then i've heard guys with 900's sounding amazing
                93 USA Soloist EDS
                USA HT6 Juggernaut
                Charvel DK24FR


                • #9
                  Jack sounds like you got A.A.S.!

                  Anyways the newer Marshalls are soso in my opinion, I can't go into detail about the technical side of things (which is something Pete and many others here undoubtably can). My best friend and gigging buddy has a TSL and I've played through it a couple of times, it's alright, at best. I wasn't much of a Marshall guy to begin with (though I personally think a modded JCM 800 or one with a pedal in front will give you the godliest leadsound on the planet) but I tested it on its own merits, without trying to be biased. It sounded 'thin', it had gain on tap, but it seemed to add fuzz more than actual 'body', it actually sounded BETTER if he ran a Boss effects/preamp unit through it, which says a lot....

                  Anyways, since I got the quad and he's heard that, he's now selling the TSL and getting an Mk III Coliseum.
                  You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.


                  • #10
                    I have a 100 watt 900 and do like it BUT, my old 800 that I had back in '89/'90 had much better tone (that was only a 50 watt). You just need to get trying some out.


                    • #11
                      I will telll you again, the JMP-1 with a good power amp will get you all the JMP, JCM tones and then some! Yeah it will not be exact, however no two amps of any period have ever sounded exact. This pre-amp covers all basses and is very versitile.


                      • #12
                        And by the way, I have owned almost every marshall out there, here is my list Of marshalls I have owned.

                        Silver Jub 50 Watt head silver tolex, this was a great sounding amp.
                        6100 Blue Tolex
                        SLX 50 Watt
                        SLX 100 Watt
                        JCM900 100watt
                        JCM900 50 watt
                        1981 JCM800 2204 50 watt Vert Inputs EL34's
                        1984 JCM800 2204 50 watt Vert Inputs 6550's (This was my favorite out of all)
                        1978 JMP 100 watt
                        JCM 2203 Reissue
                        1987 4 Input Reissue
                        1987 4 Input Reissue with Splawn Mod
                        DSL 50
                        JMP-1 through many various power amps (this is what i have kept for my marshall sound)

                        I have played many 2210's and 2205's but I was never impressed, if you really dont want to go pre-amp into a power amp and are on a budget I suggest any of the old laneys or even a carvin MTS.


                        • #13
                          Siggy! you Marshall groupie!!! good heavens....

                          I've gone through 6100LM black tolex modded for EL-34, JCM900 50W and DSL-50 plus some Valvestate shit.
                          The 6100LM was the best sounding of the bunch followed by the first series DSL-50, the JCM900 just did not cut it for me. There was no personality about it, sterile sounding to my ears.

                          However, I have spoken to some people that swear by them and grab them anytime they find a good cond. used one, so go figure.
                          Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.


                          • #14
                            Yeah I have had a few marshalls in my time, I have actualy owned 3 DSL's, one was a first series with the Drake Transformers, the other two did not have them. I have also had two TSL 100's.

                            These are my top fav marshalls that i owned and would own again.
                            1984 JCM 2204
                            1981 JCM 2204
                            Splawn modded 1987 RI
                            Silver Jub


                            • #15
                              I appreciate the info guys!! How are the Splawns by the way? That may be a cool option? Thanks-Jack.

